How to Fix Tiktok Phone Number Already Used or Registered [Fixed]

Tiktok is probably the most active social media in the world right now. It has millions of daily active users from teenagers to old age people. One of the most frustrating things on Tiktok is adding the phone number. Many users get and error “Tiktok Phone number already registered/used/taken” during the signup or adding a new number on their account.

To fix Tiktok phone number already used or registered or taken then you have to replace your old number from your old account and add it to your new account. Other than this, you can also use a valid fake number which you can easily find on the website.

As you can see there are various ways to fix Tiktok error regarding the registered or used phone number. So, today you will be going to learn all of them in the most simple way possible.

Now, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Main Cause of Tiktok Phone Number Already Used/Registered/Taken

There are a few reasons that why you are having a Tiktok error: Tiktok phone number already used. Take a closer look down below to the following causes.

Reason 1: Used New Phone Number

When you purchase a new number then for your device then you will think that it’s a new number from the company. But in some cases, it can be a used number of someone who was lost or corrupted for some reason.

So, if a previous owner used that number on Tiktok then you will receive a Tiktok error. This is a rare case that actually happens often not always.

Reason 2: Forgot to Sign out from Your Previous Tiktok Account

If you have used that number on your previous Tiktok account then you will face the issue. When you registered a number on Tiktok and you try to use it on another account then it will bring you trouble.

You can’t use the same number in two different Tiktok accounts. So, remember that!

Reason 3: Work of Scammer

There are tons of cases reported where people use your number and create a Tiktok account. You know you didn’t share your number to anyone but a hacker or scammer can anyhow steal your number and use it for their benefit.

This is why you are having a Tiktok Phone number already used/registered issues on your device.

Reason 4: Already Registered Number

Like I already said, you might have already registered your number on your Tiktok account. So, this is why you can use it over and over again.

What Happen When Tiktok Phone Number Already Registered or Used?

If your mobile number is already used or taken then there are few trouble you will have while using the Tiktok app.

Problem 1: Trouble Accessing Your Account

If you are creating a new Tiktok account then you have to follow the other option for the signup process since you can’t use a number. You can use either email, Facebook or Google account, and more.

Problem 2: Bad Reputation

In case you didn’t have created a Tiktok account previously using your number then it will whole different trouble for you. A scammer whoever using your number can create a bad image with that registered number and you may be in trouble for that in the future.

Problem 3: Trouble Using Tiktok Account

In case the scammer used your number and done a bad thing on Tiktok then you will have trouble using your Tiktok over again. To be more precise, if your number was in the black list then it may not be good for you on Tiktok.

How to Fix TikTok Phone Number Already Used/Taken [Solutions]

Fixing the Tiktok taken mobile number error is a straightforward method until you know the correct process.

So, in this section, we will learn to transfer your old registered Tiktok number to your new Tiktok account.

Note: The following steps are for those people who already have a Tiktok account but just want to add a phone number to their new account.

Method 1: Change Number from Old Account and Use it on New Tiktok Account

First of all, we will delete the number from your old Tiktok account and replace it with a new one. After that, we will again use that deleted number on your new Tiktok account. In this way, you can easily register your Tiktok with a new phone number and also fix the issue.

So, let’s change your number on Tiktok on Android and IOS devices.

Step 1: Log In to Your Old Account Where the Number is Already Registered

First thing first, log in to your old Tiktok account using your login credentials.

Step 2: Tap on Your Profile Icon

After that, tap on your “Profile” icon from the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Tap on Three Horizontal Line

Now, tap on the “Three Lines” from the upper right corner of the screen. This is where you will access your entire Tiktok settings section.

Step 4: Select Manage Account

Next, tap on “Manage Account” which you can find at the top section.

Ste 5: Tap on Phone Number

After that, simply tap on “Phone Number” to replace your number.

Step 6: Change Your Current Phone Number

Now, erase your current number and add a new number on the required field. You must enter a number that is valid and still not registered on the Titkok server.

So, once the number is registered then simply tap on the “Send Code” button. Now, you will have to verify your account to ensure that the number you provided is associated with you, not others.

Step 7: Verify Your Changed Number

Now, you check for the verification code on your phone which you have just linked to Tiktok. If you didn’t receive a verification code then there is an option to “Resend”.

Remember, you must have that number active on your device in order to get a code.

Step 8: Log Out From Your Current Tiktok Account

Now it’s time to add your original number to your another Tiktok. Besides, only log out from your account once the replaced number is properly verified.

So, log out from your current Tiktok account which is your old account.

Step 9: Log In to Your New TikTok Account

After that, log in to your newly created Tiktok account using the login credentials. After a successful login then follow the rest of the following steps.

Step 10: Go to Your Tiktok Profile Section

Tap on your “Profile” option from the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 11: Tap on Three Lines

After that, tap on the “Three Horizontal Lines” from the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 12: Tap on Manage Account Option

Now, select the “Manage Account” option and get ready to add a new number.

Step 13: Select Phone Number Option

Next, simply tap on the “Phone Number” section to register your number on Tiktok.

Step 14: Enter Your New Phone Number

Now, enter the number which was used on your old TikTok account. This time, you will fix Tiktok phone number already registered or used or taken issue.

So, enter the valid number in the required field.

Step 15: Tap on Send Code

After that, tap on the red “Send Code” button to verify your number.

Step 16: Enter the Confirmation Code and Verify Your Number

You will get a 6-digit verification code on your associated number on your device. So, copy that code and paste it into the verification required field section, and done.

In case you didn’t get the code then don’t panic and wait for a few minutes. Sometimes it will take a little bit of time to receive a code.

However, after waiting for a minute then use the “Resend” option once again to request a code.

Method 2: Use the Fake Phone Number on Tiktok

There is another way to verify your number on Tiktok in case it asks for security purposes. You can use the fake number on your account which is totally valid and working.

There are tons of websites that offer fake mobile numbers that you can use for any purpose. Plus, you can also get a verification code of that number. Sounds interesting, isn’t it?

Now, let’s fix the Tiktok phone number already used or registered using the fake number.

Step 1: Visit Receive Smss Website

First of all, go to the website for the fake phone number. There you can find tons of fake number that are valid and original from any countries.

Step 2: Copy the Number

Now, select the number which you like the most according to your desire or country.

Step 3: Go to Your Tiktok Profile

After that, go back to your Tiktok profile section.

Step 4: Go to Your Account Settings

Now, tap on three lines from the upper right corner and enter into the “Manage Account” section.

Step 5: Tap on Phone Number

Next, tap on the “Phone Number” option and get ready to use a fake one.

Step 6: Paste the Fake Number

Now, paste or enter the fake number in the required field.

Step 7: Go Back to the Website

Once the number is set the tap on the “Send Code” button. After that, go back to the same website to receive a 6-digit verification code.

Step 8: Refresh the Page and Get a Verification Code

Now, refresh the page and copy the verification code from the bottom side.

Step 9: Copy the Verification Code and Paste

Finally, go back to your Tiktok account and then paste the 6-digit code and verify your number.

In case, you didn’t get the code then go for another number.

How to Fix Tiktok Error: Tiktok Phone Number Already Used/Registered While Creating an Account [Solutions]

If you received an error message “Phone Number already registered or Used or Taken” while creating a new Tiktok account then there are three things that you can do.

Take a closer look down below.

Method 1: Follow the Above Mentioned Process

You can follow the exact same things which I’ve mentioned above on the topic.

For example, if you already have a Tiktok account then simply replace the number in there and use your original number for the signup process.

If you didn’t have an old account or never have created a Tiktok account before but still received an error then go for the fake number. Use any fake mobile number and create a new Tiktok account.

Method 2: Sign Up Tiktok Account Using the Email or Facebook or Google Account

In case you don’t want to use the phone number then you can also create a Tiktok account using email/Facebook/Twitter/Google account.

Step 1: Open Tiktok App

First of all, open your Tiktok account on your device whether it’s Android or IOS.

Step 2: Tap on Sign Up

After that, tap on the “Sign Up” red button to create a new account.

Step 3: Select either Email/Facebook/Twitter/Google

Now, if you don’t want to use a phone number then you have different options for sign up such as email, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

So, select the one which you like the most or feel comfortable with.

Step 4: Set a Username and Password

Now, provide your desired username and set a password for your Tiktok account. If you choose Facebook, Twitter or Google then you don’t have to provide a username or password.

Step 5: Done

Finally, after creating a new Tiktok account enjoy.

Method 3” Contact Tiktok Customer Support Team

If none of the above-mentioned methods works and you still can “fix Tiktok phone number already used or registered” then do contact Tiktok customer support. Simply state your problem and they will provide the solution.

How to Create a Tiktok Account?

In this section, you will learn to create a new Tiktok account with an email and phone number. More, you can also sign up on Tiktok with a Google account or Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

So, let’s follow the simple steps down below to make account on Tiktok in Android and IOS.

Step 1: Download Tiktok App

First of all, download the Tiktok app on your device whether it’s Android or IOS.

Step 2: Open Tiktok App

Once the Tiktok is downloaded successfully then open the app and get ready for the next step.

Step 3: Tap on Profile Icon

Now, simply tap on the “Profile” icon from the bottom right corner of the screen. Previously, it is denoted by the “Me” icon but it was changed after a new update.

Step 4: Tap on Sign Up Button

Next, tap on the red “Sign Up” button from the middle so that you can create an account on Tiktok with app.

Step 5: Tap on Sign up Option

After that, it takes you to the new login page where you can log in to your account if you have one. But if you don’t have one then simply tap on the “Sign Up” option from the bottom side.

Step 6: Select Either email, phone, Facebook, Google, or Twitter

Here you can sign up using email, phone Facebook, Google account, or Twitter.

If you want to create an account using email then enter your valid email address. For the Phone number, enter your valid number. After that receive a verification code and use that code in the required field on tiktok.

But if you go with facebook or google or Twitter then simply login with your account and you are done.

Step 7: Create an Account

Finally, after selecting your desired sign-up option you have successfully created a Tiktok account on your Android and IOS.

 Is it Necessary to Add a Phone Number on Tiktok?

Tiktok is the most used app in the whole world. When you are creating a Tiktok account then it will ask for your either phone number or email address. Other than this, you can also sign up on Tiktok using your Facebook and Gmail.

So, you will not necessarily require a phone number on Tiktok while creating an account or even after creating one.

However, if you add a number or email to your Tiktok account then it will act for a security purpose. In case you forgot your login credentials then your number or email will act as a recovery process.

Therefore, it’s up to you whether you want to add a number or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Have Two Tiktok Accounts With the Same Phone Number?

No, you can’t have two or multiple TikTok accounts with the same phone number.

Can You Have More Than 1 TiktokmAccount?

Yes, you can create more than one Tiktok account on your device.

How to Transfer My Tiktok Account to Another Phone?

If you want to transfer your Tiktok account to another phone then simply use the “Switch Account” feature and add your other account.

Is Having Multiple Tiktok Accounts Bad?

No, having multiple Tiktok accounts is not bad until you share good content and stay under Tiktok terms and conditions.

Last Word

Phone number is not compulsory on Tiktok but it is necessary for security purposes. So, follow the above-mentioned different methods and fix why you can’t register on Tiktok through your mobile number.

If you have any queries related to this article or Tiktok then feel free to ask in the comment section down below.

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